Take the Skiff to Explore the Little Islands
It is always best to plan your boating outings during the 6 hour window – 3 hours before to 3 hours after High Tide. I will send you tide charts in your ‘welcome package’ I mail with the keys, and I have tide charts in the Information books at each of the Abaco Palms Properties.

I LOVE to go to the little islands and look for shells and other treasures! In the picture on the left you see one of our skiffs beached on the first little island that is out in front of the house. There is a sandy beach on the right side as you approach from the house. At highest tides it is almost totally under water, but the sandy area is where you want to beach. You can put the anchor in the sand and walk all over the little island to see what has washed up. In the bottom of the picture – you see

my ‘treasures’ I collected that day. It was a nice variety. You need to take ‘water shoes’ to wear since the island is made of coral and would be too sharp to walk on with bare feet. The picture on your right gives you an idea of the surface you are exploring. The uneven surface catches the treasures! The small islands are actually part of the reef chain. There are 3 levels of reef that protect Casuarina Point. We are very lucky to have that protection when there is a hurricane! Just beyond the second set of islands the water becomes VERY DEEP – and you

are in the open Atlantic! This photo on your left is of ‘Daniel’s Island.’ That is what we have named it – not an official name. It is the left island of the 2 that are much farther past the first one in the pictures above. When you look out at the water from your deck at any of our Casuarina Point properties – you will see the 3 small islands that I am talking about. We only recommend going to the 2nd set of islands on a very calm day. Past the 2nd islands is open ocean, and if

the water is choppy close to the house – it will be pretty rough out there. There is great spearing and snorkeling just outside the second islands, but only for the very confident and strong swimmers. I recommend having a ‘captain’ stay in the boat to keep an eye on the snorkelers. There is a large sandy beach on the the second island (on the left) but as you can see in the picture on the left, sometimes Gary just stays with the boat while I explore. There is a great view of Casuarina Point from the little islands, and I will close this entry with a photo to show you.