I could not find any place that had the Abaco Tide Tables published in a format that I thought was easy to read. I have formatted the current Tide Tables for Abaco and will include them in your Rental Information Package that I will mail you before your trip. I am leaving the 2016 Tide Tables on this page as an example of the tide changes.
TIDE TABLES FOR 2016: The information is all copied form the NOAA web site tables that they publish, but I an in no way guaranteeing accuracy. Please do not use the charts for navigation. I am including them here hoping you will find them useful. If you have any comments please email me. These Tide Tables are for the Pelican Harbour location in Abaco. It is the closest location to Casuarina Point that NOAA publishes. (Click on the PINK – ‘Abaco Tide Tables’ above to see the complete Tide Tables by month.)
Abaco Maps: Here are some of the maps I have found to be most helpful. Most have been acquired from other sources, and I will do my best to give credit to the owner of the map. (Hope to have more coming soon!)

Aerial Photos: In this section I will include a variety of aerial photos of Casuarina Point and South Abaco. If you have a good picture I can include – please email me. (Coming soon!)