Many of our guests enjoy fishing on the reefs in front of our houses at Casuarina Point. In your ‘Welcome Package’ that I mail, you will find a hand drawn map so you will know where to look for the reefs. You use our skiffs to get out to the reefs. On a sunny day with sun overhead it is easiest to spot the reefs from the surface. Another good way to find the reefs is to notice where the waves are breaking at low tide. There is a LARGE reef to the left of the first little island out front – and a little bit farther out than the island. You can see waves breaking on it at low tide – and then you will know where to look when you go out in the boat. There are LOTS of other reef areas, too – as you will see on the map, and you might discover some we don’t know about, too. Just outside Duck Cay is another popular fishing spot, and many of our guests have good luck fishing in the channel on the other side of the big sand bar that is to your left as you face the ocean. You will find plenty of GREAT fishing spots close by. Here are some pictures (mainly provided by past guests) of the results of their reef/bottom/channel fishing.